Body Wisdom LLC
Melanie L. Palm, C-IAYT, PRYT, HelioSol® AdvCBP, ParBP, EmRes, EDS, MSI, BAT
Emily Coy, EDS, Access Tech, EmRes
Supporting you in listening to your head, heart and gut.
Facilitating Ah Ha's and Witnessing Ta Da's since 2009
[email protected] / 605.484.6765
When you connect with your still point, you connect with what moves you.
Melanie L. Palm, C-IAYT, PRYT, HelioSol® AdvCBP, ParBP, EmRes, EDS, MSI, BAT
Emily Coy, EDS, Access Tech, EmRes
Supporting you in listening to your head, heart and gut.
Facilitating Ah Ha's and Witnessing Ta Da's since 2009
[email protected] / 605.484.6765
When you connect with your still point, you connect with what moves you.
Both Melanie and Emily are offering in person and distance sessions. Please see our new hours on our Details Page. Please note that Body Wisdom has always offered distance sessions. Here's a link to a published study on the efficacy of distant BodyTalk sessions. If you've NOT taken the BodyTalk Access class, MindScape seminar, or Self Emotional Resolution class, please consider pre-registering for one of the upcoming classes. Let's get these techniques into your family's home for as little cost to you as possible ASAP. Thank you, be well. See our calendar of events page to track all classes and community service we are offering! |
PARENTS! Are you interested in a BodyTalk Access class or MindScape course specifically geared for children? If so, please contact Melanie. A parent or guardian must have taken the regular Access class or MindScape course first, and then can be present for free during their children's class. Let's support our children! I grew up hearing "When your head, heart and gut agree ~ you know it's right!"
Do you want to remember what that feels like again (or connect to that for the first time) -- and then live from that place? Come explore your body's wisdom! WHAT'S NEW? Melanie completed the certification for Resolving PsychoSomatic Issues with Emotional Resolution and Emily is in final training for her certification in Emotional Resolution (offering sessions for half price through February :) through the Emotional Health Institute. We will both be offering sessions and presentations with these amazing modalities that allow us to FEEL OUR WAY BACK TO PEACE AND JOY! With this process, we relearn to use the body's sensory memory to resolve emotional upset in the moment/ long term behavioral patters /anxiety, depression, chronic pain, PTSD, etc. It's such a gift! Melanie has turned over the Electrodermal Stress Analysis to Emily Coy, as she excels in this modality. If you'd like a session, please call. Melanie is also very pleased to be a HelioSol Practitioner. Please learn more about that here. Melanie has previously been on faculty at PRYT as a mentor for therapists in training and is a PRYT Therapeutic Life Mentor. This is particularly helpful if you'd like support in reaching greater potential. Would you like to learn more about PRYT? This webinar is geared to those who may want to become PRYT therapists, yet it holds so many beautiful explanations about how our body holds truth and wisdom for us when we are willing to be present to it! Melanie is also certified to do PRYT Couples / Pairs sessions, and loving it! Call if you'd like to experience it with your partner, spouse, business partner, child, parent, or any other relationship you'd like to explore and enhance! If you are interested in coming home to your own body’s wisdom, listening more deeply to your body's truth, welcome to Body Wisdom's website! Body Wisdom is for those who are interested in finding deeper health and experiencing broader happiness!
Body Wisdom was born out of a desire to deepen our health, befriend our bodies, connect with our innate wisdom, and pursue our happiness. Since 2009, Melanie has been facilitating others in connecting with and listening to the inborn healing abilities we all hold within our bodies, moving more fully into our own bodies... where we already live! Melanie Palm is internationally certified as a practitioner of Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy, Advanced BodyTalk and PaRama BodyTalk, International Association of Yoga Therapists, EmRes and a trainer of BodyTalk Access and a MindScape Instructor. Melanie is also nationally certified as an Electrodermal Stress Analysis, Holistic Health Practitioner and Emotional Release with Essential Oils. She is most excited to be an Emotional Resolution practitioner. These modalities are the foundation of Body Wisdom. Other modalities offered through Body Wisdom include Melanie’s experience with essential oils, esoteric acupuncture, yoga (as a student since 1982 and certified to teach in 1990), and dance (with 20 years of professional experience and the opportunity to dance around the world!). Also offered through Body Wisdom are products that support us in deepening our health, including Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils, Standard Enyzyme products, BioEnergetic formulas through Energetix, the BioMat and other Richway products. Each of us experiences a Body Wisdom session in our own unique way. No two sessions are alike. If, by following your head, heart and gut, you decide to receive a Body Wisdom session, your experience will be your best teacher and guide. You are heartily invited to dive into your God-given gifts! Besides the one-on-one sessions offered through Body Wisdom, did you know about these possibilities? ~ couples or partners sessions ~ group or family sessions ~children's health -fertility, pregnancy and childbirth ~distance sessions - general wellness and preventative healthcare - anxiety - depression - emotional health - rehabilitation - hospice care -addiction recovery and cravings -organization and group dynamics -immune system -allergies -addictions -cravings -general wellness -preventative healthcare - PTSD and trauma -cognitive development and brain injury -cancer and chemotherapy support -joint care -homeopathics, nutritionals and spagyric botanicals -essential oil therapy -heightened awareness -deepening connections -vibrant life force -trusting intuition -balance -well-being -WholeHealthcare ~ all ages and abilities - all states of health and well-being ~ sports enhancement ~ peak performance ~ pre- and post-surgery support ~ BioMat time during sessions ~ agenda sessions ~ transition support -and so many more professional applications! Thank you kindly for taking time to dive into your own heart! Testimonials are offered freely and some of them appear throughout this website on various pages: "What Melanie offers has brought me to greater confidence in my own capacity to heal. Her presence is healing because of great peace and non-judgment. It is a great treat and honor to work with Melanie." ~ Psychologist / Counselor "... You are so deeply rooted in the love of God. You are so good at putting away all judgement and giving unconditional love, always giving a safe place for all people no matter what... " - retired music educator "... I am feeling so much better today! Thank you for your help and support. I look forward to seeing you again soon." - sales "I noticed some positive changes since our session! I am telling my friends to call you! Thanks!" - musician / graphic artist "Thank you for coming to help my friend. She is much, much better today. Her main area of pain was gone before you finished, and the other areas have reduced considerably overnight and she has markedly improved. Thank you so for coming! We are very grateful." - retired teacher/ counselor "Thank you very much for all your help. The surgery went very well and the recovery is surprising the doctors." "I kept hearing from people in different circles to call you. When my doctor and her nurse recommended you, too, I called. I'm so glad I did!" |
![]() UPCOMING EVENTS! COMMUNITY SERVICE! Children's Day for Children who have experienced trauma... Saturday, TBD 10a-2p Call Melanie at 605.484.6765 to reserve your time. Only 12 sessions offered. Cost $45 SPECIAL OFFERING: Session Circle with Orthopedic Evaluation Saturday, 1-4pm / $81 Open to the first 8 who sign up and pay here. BodyTalk Access and / or MindScape Classes See Calendar of Events here. Online or in Person Emotional Resolution Classes See Calendar of Events here. 6:00 -7:00 p.m. at Body Wisdom, and INCLUDES a reduction for your one-on-one professional Emotional Resolution session to be scheduled at your convenience. Please RSVP here. For more information, please call Melanie Palm, AdvCBP, PaRamaBP at 605.484.6765 Free presentations available at Body Wisdom some Monday evenings 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. (RSVP at 605.484.6765) . See Calendar of Events here. Our Newsletter
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